Top 4 bands from Poznan!

I feel very proud to say that we can notice increase of  amount and quality of polish music bands. Brodka, Curly Heads, Artur Rojek or Jimek are admired artists not only in Poland but also abroad. But I'm wondering how many people know about all of these awesome bands from their backyard? I have this amazing opportunity to live in the one of the most beautiful cities in Poland - Poznan and right know I'd like to intruduce you some artists from this wonderful place!

#4 Rebeka

My friend have shown me this band just couple weeks ago and I fall in love with their interesting and unusual sound. I don't often listen to electronic pop but Rebeka has got something I couldn't resist. Maybe it's their minimalism, maybe it's Casio kaybord they use or maybe it's extraordinary voice of Iwona Skwarek, the vocalist. In this week their second CD called "Davos"was released.

#3 Maja Koman
Some time ago we had an opportuity to see her in "Mam talent". She completly failed in audition but she didn't gave up and in 2015 her album "Pourquoi pas" was nominated to Fryderyki. Her lyrics in funny way describe reality around us. They make us think about dailiness.

#2 Mary Komasa
Number two goes to Jan Komasa's sister. Born in Poznan but living in Berlin artist started her adventure with music at age of 6. She plays piano, organ and harpsichord. In 2015 she released album "Mary Komasa" which was nominated to Fryderyki. We can hear her single "City Of My Dreams" during watching "Rosmery's Baby" - the american TV series.

#1 Fismoll
His mild voice quiets every stressed soul. Arkadiusz Glensk, couse this is his real name, is just one year older than me and he makes amazing music career. Tickets for his show solds out immediately. He also was nominated to Brand New Award in 2013 in three categories and to Fryderyki in 2014. He released three albums so far.

Everybody has got different taste of music but I think that those young and talented artists are worth to pay them some attention. I hope you will find some treat for today's evening. Enjoy!


  1. Arek <3 I love this guy and his music. Once even I talked to him on the phone <3

  2. Oh, that's pretty intersting! I've just listened all of songs, which you posted and I'm like: Wow, it's really impressive. Personally, my favourite one is Mary Komasa and next to her Arkadiusz, but seriously all of them are worth of listen!

  3. I'm very happy that I could fascinate you with music I love.


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